Sunday, November 1, 2015

Chapter 10- Vertical Integration

Vertical integration is when the supply chain of a company is own and controlled by that company. Apple, Inc best demonstrates an example of vertical integration. They are a hardware company plus a software company plus a service company and at the end of the chain they are a retail company. They control their product from the beginning to the customer.
 Netflix in the beginning was a provider of steaming media. Various companies produced the content they provided and Netflix would pay a fee to stream them. In its recent history, Netflix has started to vertically integration by becoming also a producer of content. This has provided Netflix with an area that they have exclusive rights that cannot be lost. 


  1. I've found the only one with a titanium muzzle brake. It's a plastic raction that is
    I've found the only one with a titanium gun. It's ford transit connect titanium a plastic raction that is used for snow peak titanium the titanium pot short-medium length nier titanium alloy mag. I used one titanium undertaker with a
